
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Spiritual Practices at Home, intro

This Advent, I’ll be writing a three-part blog series, “Spiritual Practices at Home.” Advent is a wonderful season of the Church year for home observance with its Advent wreaths, calendars, and more. But here is the big secret…all the seasons of the Christian year are wonderful for home observance! Growth in discipleship, the pursuit of spirituality maturity, is an adventure of integrating faith in Christ with every aspect of our lives. Our homes, whether a humble room or grand house, influence us immensely and usually reflect ourselves in ways flattering and not so flattering (Really, it’s time to take down that M.C. Hammer poster.) 

Bringing your faith to bear visibly in the most intimate spaces of your life is an important step forward in the journey of Christian discipleship. Home observance of the faith is for all Christians. Certainly, there are practices that lend themselves to family life (in all the wonderful and weary forms it can take), but whether by yourself, with roommates, your significant other, your animal friend, or a house full of small people, the riches of our Christian heritage for daily life are immense. 

When observed faithfully, not perfectly, not dramatically, but regularly, over the months and years, they can serve as quiet shapers of our souls and steady channels of God’s grace, transforming us day by day into people of greater Spirit and Love. Are there particular aspects of home practice you are hoping I explore? (Perhaps the exorcism of that space filled with stuff you haven’t looked at in years?) Do you have recommendations or suggestions to make? They are always most welcome. Please share them as move through the series.