
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Preparing for Advent

Advent marks the beginning of the Christian year. This year it begins on Sunday, December 2, and concludes on Monday, December 24. Advent is a season of preparation. Not only is Advent about preparing to celebrate the first coming of Christ as a baby, but it’s also about preparing for Christ’s second coming as judge. In Advent we are reminded that the Christmas story began thousands of years before the birth of Jesus, with the people of Israel. In Advent we are reminded that the Christmas story is not over; Jesus will return. On that day we will sing the old carol “Joy to the World! the Lord is come; let earth receive her King” in a whole new way.

Advent is a rich season with many ancient customs for individuals, couples, and families to observe. Sadly, many Christians fail to celebrate Advent meaningful. This is because observing Advent is counter-cultural. Advent challenges us to wait, to hold off on celebrating Christmas until we’ve prepared ourselves rightly. I believe that a real observance of Advent by individuals, couples, and families would transform our faith, making it a part of our daily lives. In order for this to happen we have to prepare ourselves for Advent. If we don’t plan for Advent our lives will be shaped by the frenzy of the holiday season.   

Today, and certainly no later than this week, take time out by yourself, with a friend, or with your family to plan for Advent. Think of planning now as a deposit on an investment, an investment that will profit in transformed lives as you and yours observe this ancient and wondrous season of the Christian year.

Here are some resources to help you get started.

Feel free in the comments section to share your own resources and ideas.

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