
Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy New Year!

Advent, which marks the beginning of the Christian year, begins this Sunday, December 1. Advent is one of the more important seasons of the Christian year (also called the liturgical year), for a number of reasons, not least of which is that it is the first. In popular imagination, the Christian year is often reduced to a color coding device for determining what colors are used on the altar and worn by the priests. This reduction is a tragic one. The Christian year with its flow of feasts and fasts, seasons and observances, is primarily meant to be celebrated at home, within the ordinary fabric of our lives. I dare to say that a renewal of the Christian year in our homes would result in a renewal of Christianity in North America. We are rapidly moving further and further into a post-Christian world. Fewer and fewer people are exposed to the Church and those that are (especially young people) tend not to return after leaving home. Instead of making Christianity a one-hour sport on Sundays, the observance of the Christian year takes the faith and weaves it within the regular ups and downs of family life. Instead of “Church” and “God” being something outside of the family on Sundays, spirituality becomes woven into the very fabric of family life and day to day living. The Christian year can and should be celebrated not just by families, but by single people in their homes and in their workplaces. If you want your faith to be more meaningful; if you want greater spiritual richness and depth in your daily living; then I encourage you to start observing the Christian year at home. Advent starts Sunday, make your plans now!