
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fifty Days of Forgiveness

Funny Friar Ministries is challenging you and everyone across the world to move toward forgiveness during the fifty days of the challenge, Easter Sunday (3/27) - Pentecost Sunday (5/15). To help Funny Friar Ministries will be sharing quotes, prayers, and links related to forgiveness on Facebook and making available the following sermons.

April 03: Forgiving Others
April 10: Forgiving Yourself
April 17: Forgiving God

It's time to forgive!


  1. 50 DAYS OF FORGIVENESS...what a wonderful idea. Sign me up! Looking forward to the sermon material. Fifty days is a reasonable timeframe to focus intentionally which could involve some intensity. Thank you for this idea. JR

  2. You're welcome! It will take intention, grace, and determination for all of us to see this challenge through.
